A closure in JavaScript is like a personal diary. Imagine you have a personal diary where you note down your secrets. Only you can access everything written in it, but anyone can read what's on the first page, where you might have put some general information. Same way in JavaScript, a closure is a function that has access to its own variables, its outer function's variables, and the global variables, just like the diary.
Normally, in JavaScript, when a function finishes executing, its local variables get deleted. But with closures, it's like the function carries around a backpack with it. Even after the function finishes up, the backpack (closure) sticks around in memory. This backpack is not accessible or visible to anyone else but it can be used the next time the function runs.
function outerFunction() {
var secret = 'I have a secret';
function innerFunction() {
return innerFunction;
var getSecret = outerFunction();
getSecret(); // outputs: 'I have a secret'
Closures are frequently used because they allow data to be kept alive indefinitely. It's as if the function locks its surrounding variables into a little box for later use. They can be used to emulate private methods or state, i.e., data hiding, in JavaScript. Another use case is when you use function factories, where a function returns another function that can have access to the parent function's scope.
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Imagine you have a box. Let's call it 'daddyBox'. Inside the daddyBox, there is a smaller box called 'babyBox'. Now, the babyBox wants to use a toy that is in the daddyBox. A closure in JavaScript works like this. Even if the babyBox is moved to another room, it remembers and can still use the toy from the daddyBox.
Now, why would the babyBox want to use the toy from the daddyBox even in another room? Sometimes, we use closures in JavaScript to remember a value or access a variable from the daddyBox (which we call an outer function) even when we're in the babyBox (which we call an inner function). This way, we can use the same toy (or variable) in different rooms whenever we need to.
Here is a simple example of a closure. We have a daddyFunction and inside it there’s a babyFunction. The babyFunction remember and uses a toy named 'greeting' which is from daddyFunction. Even when babyFunction is called outside of daddyFunction, it still remembers greeting!
function daddyFunction() {
var greeting = 'Hi!';
function babyFunction() {
return babyFunction;
var sayHi = daddyFunction();
sayHi(); // alerts 'Hi!'
Closures might seem a bit tricky at first. But once you understand it, you realise it's pretty cool, almost like magic! Remember that the babyBox can keep using the toy from the daddyBox, even if it's in a different room. The same way, in JavaScript, the babyFunction can keep using the 'greeting' variable from the daddyFunction even if it's no longer inside the daddyFunction.
By reading this article, you've invested 1.27 minutes of your life into expanding your knowledge and perspectives. Now, imagine learning on-the-go, turning every moment into an opportunity for growth and discovery.
To understand how closures connect with JavaScript functions, it might be helpful to read about Function Scope in JavaScript
About author
Roman Y.
Senior Software Engineer at Nike
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